Taratorat is Bulgarian meal. It is consumed in summer. Made with yogurt, cucumbers and kopar.In summer Bulgarian table is poor without tarator, a major in heats often passes only with him.
How to TARATOR Products per portion:
100 g yogurt, 60 g. (fourth) garlic, 5 yrs (half a teaspoonful of) oil, salt, vinegar, dill, 5-6 cloves garlic, 25 g. (two spoonfuls) schukani walnuts. Technique of preparation: Garlic is schukva and added oil. Schukanite be added walnuts. At the resulting mixture is added resellers chopped cucumbers. The proceeds are diluted with razbarkanoto yogurt. Put to water. Tries to salt and acid. Taratorat be served tampered with oil, garlic and ottset.