viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

***Zara's Visit***


Today I'm going to talk about a woman who came to our college to give a talk.
The girl is called Zara and comes frm Scotland. She come to talk about the United Kingdom.
She told us that the United Kingdom was formed with 4 countries: Scontland, Northern Irland, Wales and England.
We also talked about London as we had recently vised the English capital wich we found fascinating. We talked about the other capitals of the United Kingdom: Glasgow, Belfast and Cardiff.
Then we tolked about the different types of food and traditions from the capitals within the United Kingdom.
In my opinionit was an interesting chat to find out about thedifferent cultures within the United Kingdom.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

***Celebration in Burgos***

Hi !
Today I'm going to talk about the celebrations in Burgos in the midle of Auust that last for a week which unfortunately I could only celebrate once. The celebration in very village in Burgos province are always different dates. In the village where I lived were on the 15 of August untill 22 both days includet. Those celebrations consist in groups of people which they call "peñas" and each group has a name our was called "el Desengaño". Besides each "peña" builds a little cave where many people get togeher. After thefirst day all the peñas do a tour to the village with a music band in front to the march.
After that each group picked a King and a queen and they all on a procession. After that there is the dance at the square, every night dring the whole week.
During the day the "peñas" do games to entretan the children and prepare for ime hot chocolate and bisecuits. Besdes each morning for the 6 days of he celebrtion you go to the kings house for breakfast what I want to say is that the peple have a great time