viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

***Zara's Visit***


Today I'm going to talk about a woman who came to our college to give a talk.
The girl is called Zara and comes frm Scotland. She come to talk about the United Kingdom.
She told us that the United Kingdom was formed with 4 countries: Scontland, Northern Irland, Wales and England.
We also talked about London as we had recently vised the English capital wich we found fascinating. We talked about the other capitals of the United Kingdom: Glasgow, Belfast and Cardiff.
Then we tolked about the different types of food and traditions from the capitals within the United Kingdom.
In my opinionit was an interesting chat to find out about thedifferent cultures within the United Kingdom.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

***Celebration in Burgos***

Hi !
Today I'm going to talk about the celebrations in Burgos in the midle of Auust that last for a week which unfortunately I could only celebrate once. The celebration in very village in Burgos province are always different dates. In the village where I lived were on the 15 of August untill 22 both days includet. Those celebrations consist in groups of people which they call "peñas" and each group has a name our was called "el Desengaño". Besides each "peña" builds a little cave where many people get togeher. After thefirst day all the peñas do a tour to the village with a music band in front to the march.
After that each group picked a King and a queen and they all on a procession. After that there is the dance at the square, every night dring the whole week.
During the day the "peñas" do games to entretan the children and prepare for ime hot chocolate and bisecuits. Besdes each morning for the 6 days of he celebrtion you go to the kings house for breakfast what I want to say is that the peple have a great time

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

***My best girl friend***

Hi !

Today I'm going to talk about my best girl fiend. Her name is Begoña is 19 years old, is tall and brown and a wonderful person. We met 7 years ago in a village near Burgos called Canicosa de la Sierra and I can say is the best time I have spent there. Our first meeting was in the bus stop where I used to wait for the bus togo to the institute which was in the next village called Quintanar de la Sierra
It was my first day at school and the first day at the bus stop we see med to get on together and started to tolk on the bus as I sat behind her and she asked me if I knew anybody else in the village and I said no and then she asked me to go out with her and her friends in the village. That way began a wonderful friendship and made we decided t come to live hre and the goodbay was very hard but lthough the long distance our friendship prevarls. When I just recently went to Burgos for Holy week and had a great time with all the people I used to know.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009


Hi today I'm going to talk about the Holy week in Bulgaria what I mean is our traditon at Easte.
There is quite a big difference berween the Spanish Easter and the Bulgarian Easter. For us there's the tadition to pai eggs in different colours. The first egg has to be red like Jesus's blood. After painting the egg you make a cross on the children's forehead so they will be healthy the rest of the year.
Easter days a really waited and wished by the small children, because in those days all the children go to other houses and clash eggs with other children to see who has the strongest eggs.
Another tradition is getting together with the family and exchanging eggs and then the youngest kiss the hand of the eldest asking for forgiveness what they have done wrong during the year.
To be truthfully they re very fuhhy momrnt because the old ones compete with the young ones to see who has got the stronger egg. Some of them cheat by using wooden eggs.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

***Easter Holiday 2***

As I told you my last entry today I will talk about my trip to Burgos durig Ester week where I had a very which.
Let's go to the point the truth is that o drive ther is very tiring because there are more than 800km there are 8h y car but it was worthit I stayed there for three days and it was very enjoyable because there, are many bulgarian and of course it is very different to be with people from your country because of the jok well here is very good because there are some bulgarian people which are the people wich my cusins have and this is different.
The worst was for my cousin because she had to work and couldn't stay together for a long time but because of that I met some cousins who I had only had spoken through akype but never seen them . Besides my cousins I met another boy ver handsome by the way and with who I spent those few day and really it wasa pitty I could only spent uch a short time because he is a boy worth fishting for . He is twenty years old and plays football well for an amateurteam in the village where he leaves and he is a very good boy. Besides all of these I saw my best friend who I had not seen for two years and we had a great time. I leave you with some photos

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

***Easter Holiday***

Today I'm going totolk about my Eastev holiday. The truth is that things didn't look to good because we having alterations in the hause.
We bought he hause two years ago nearly three years. At the beggining we likd the hause very much but with the passing of the time we got a bit tired inside so my mother decided to change all the things inside s we worked for about a month and all the family had to work. The good thing is that my father is a bullder and knows about joinery and phumbing so we didn't have to pay any labour changer. We changed the floor we took out the bar in the kitchen and new and new furnisher and now we have kitchen and living room are together. We bought a heater whuch lookslike a chimney and for all this my mother is very happy... hahaha.
Well the thing is that for the first days of my hliday we had to work very hard but my reward was going to Burgos to visit my cousin and I had a great time, but I will to you on my next ntry about the trip to Burgos...

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009



Today I will talk about the trip to London.
Well, before anything else I must tell you that I liked it very much and those who didn't come they missed a fantastic trip.
Realy I liked the city very much because London is a fantastic sity althoughwe only a small part of it.
In my opinion the excursion was wll organized and we had to be on our own and actvitiesextra, and visit touristic places and had enough free time to do what we wanted and enjoy the city.
We visited many places which I liked very much especialy Big Ben and London Eye which I relly liked it is spectacular.It was a fantastic exprience because in our free time which we had to organise ourselves and ind the might underground which is enormous and also and also the buses, which we had to find with a plan.
What I didn't like was going out at night because people go home early and everything closes very early. And tolking about the dring what a laugh hahaha because are very mean hahaha to say something because they mesured the "cubatas" with a "chupito" glass hahaha, but in generaly everything went well and I would go again.
In my opinion was a fantastic experience whuch I like to continue. :)

sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

***A nice dance***

Hi !!!!

Today I will speak about a dance which is clebring at the end of may.
One thing is that in Bulgaria when you finish school. It is a dance which is held at the end of school. It is the dream of very students and all wait for the last day to arrive.
First they do a diner together with the tutors. Everybody goes very elegant boys wear suits and the girls wear film star dresses. It is like in the American films.
My life long friends have already did it last year but I have been invited by the pupils from the school where I studied with my cousin for one year and I have accepted .
The dance will spend three days in a five star hotel next to the sea in one of the most beautiful resorts of bulgaria, called Sunny beach.

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

***New friendships***

Hi !!!!

Today I'm going to talk once more about the Christmas holiday as you probably have realized have been a very lively holiday and I can truly say that were the bestChristmas I ever had.
Well let's get to the point, my cousin is called Vasil, who by the way is the typical playboy hahaha(even though that's out of context at this moment), as I was saying my cousin Vasil have many friends of all nationalities, some are a niusance, but he intruduced me to some serbian friends. They were really nice people although some of them were a little oler than me.
The oldest was called Filip with brown hair and a strong body. The other is called Emma, not very told with green eyes and blond hair although I think his natural hair is brown.
What I must say again they are very nice people and we went out a few times during Christmas and I'm very happy to have met them.

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

***LLoret de Mar***

Well, This term I'm also going to talk about our oudings with my friend Alex whom you Know from my previous entries, of course, this is something which happened during our Christmas holiday. As you will see the holiday hve been really busy.
As my cousin had come back from the USA as we were all feeling in a Christmas mood the night outings increased. So one night, I thing it was Fraiday we decidet to go to Lloret de Mar with m cousin to visit my friend Alex andgo to the discos. The truth was that we were going to Lloret because my cousin insisted in going there because she ha heard us talking about how wonderful the discos were in Llioret de Mar.
When we got there we decidet to go into " Movis" and we really had a great time whit my cousin and my friend Alex, who brought some friends along with him and things imrpoved.
The problem was having to come back as Lloret is very far and besides we got lost an we took the man road instead of the motoway and we didn't get home till 5 o'cloc in the morning and I had to get upearly in the morning to go to work. :S

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009



Today I will tell you what happened during my holiday.
Something happened I won a trip to Skii for 4 people for 1 week.
I won the trip i the quina a popular game similar to bingo played in Catalunya during Christmas. It was in the Hotel Xon's playa in a raffle after the quina.
My father, my cousin and I went to play quina and after playing all night we didn't win enything and then came the raffle and we amazingly won the prize.
My fatheer and my cousin got near winning because many games they we waiting for one number but I did ot get near in any game. So the last thing I thought it was that I was going to win was the lotery.
They started saying the numbrs from the back the first one was 6 which I had then it was 2 which I had and again 6 which I also had then 7 I got goose pimples and very nervous and the last one was my nomber 4 I jumped with joy because really it was the firsttime I had ever won anything.

sábado, 10 de enero de 2009

***Merry Chirstmas***

Hi !!!!

Befor anything else Merry Christmas and Happy 2009 to you all. I'm going to tolk about my Christmas holiday.
In this Christmas many things have happened to me but the best was that my cousin who lived in the USA came back for two weeks holiday and nobody knew sh was coming. You can imagine the great surprise we had as we had not seen her for seven monts.
Her arrival was the begining of a wonderful holiday because there isn't anything better than to be with all the family at those time.
The worst part is that she only came for two weeks and time went too fast.
Although the consolation is that in 5 months time she will come back for good.
Really the truth is that we are all us and her are looking forward for that time arrive.